Gentle & Lowly

Nov 28, 2021    Malcolm Light

This week we begin advent, the season of waiting and anticipation as we move towards celebrating the birth of Christ. For our Advent theme, we are providing a copy of the book Gentle and Lowly, by Dane Ortlund to each family in the church. You are encouraged to use it as a devotional through the advent season. Our themes for the next four Sundays will arise out of this book and be centered on the idea of Jesus Himself being a precious gift we have received as Christians. As Ortlund states, “Christians know what Jesus Christ has done – but who is He?” It is my prayer we will discover anew the gift of who Jesus is which informs what Jesus has done for us. Today, we will begin a brief series looking at the gift of Jesus. Today we will focus on Jesus’ gift of His heart to us; He is gentle and lowly.