Prayer Line for March 24, 2025

Prayer Line for March 24, 2025

"So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied." - Acts 9:31

Pray for Eldoris Peak, her sister, Louise Auernheimer, passed away March 20th. Her service has not yet been planned.

Please pray for the family of John Rosenfeld. His service will be Thursday, March 27 at 10:30am in our Sanctuary.

Keep Freda Friesen and family in your prayers. Paul passed away March 19th. His service will be March 29th, 9am, in the Kings Canyon Room, at Sierra View Homes.  

Please be praying for the Braun family. Bill passed away Monday morning at 6:35am. His service will be Monday, April 14th, 10am, in our Sanctuary.

Pray for the Goossen family as Mary June passed away on Sunday morning. The family will hold a private graveside service at a later date.  

Continue to pray for Doug Fowler who was admitted to Fresno hospital on March 14th and is now in Clovis Community. Pray for Ruth and family as well.

Please pray for the family of Bob Lewis, for wife Marilyn and daughter Kim Goto. Bob passed away on Sunday, March 2nd. His Memorial Service will be Monday, March 31st, at 2pm, in the Sanctuary.

Please be in pray for the family of Pat Enns. Pat passed away March 10th. Her service will be Monday, April 7, at 10am, in the RMBC Sanctuary. Pray for comfort and peace for her daughters; Sandy Long, Judy Szpor, and Sharol DeGroot.

Our Missionaries of the week are Dave and Janice Hansen, serving with Students International in Visalia. The vision of this ministry is to raise awareness for students about missionary opportunities and to participate on mission trips in countries like Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. Last fall Student International celebrated their thirtieth anniversary. Dave and Janice wish to thank you for your support and prayers.

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