Prayer Line for July 23-24, 2024

Prayer Line for July 23-24, 2024
"So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus."  ~ Romans 8:1

Note: You're invited to a Hymn Sing Sunday, July 28th, at 6pm, in our Sanctuary. Invite a friend!

Pray for Julia Choy who has been dealing with lots of pain and recently diagnosed with severe back problems. Julia will see a spine specialist on August 22nd.

Please pray for Bob Lewis who is in the hospital undergoing testing. Pray for Marilyn as well.

Please pray for Gordon Turner who is recovering from surgery and remains in the hospital. Pray for healing and for his strength to return. Pray also for Yvonne who is exhausted.

Pray for Mary June Goosen who is on hospice care. Pray for Kevin Goosen and the rest of Mary June's family during this time.

Pray for Liz Oliver as she is on hospice care.

Thank you, Church Family, for the many prayers, cards, meals, phone calls, and visits. Dylan, Dwayne, and I are so very grateful for the love and care you have shown our family throughout Dylan's illness. We couldn't have done it without you and our army of Prayer Warriors! We are happy to share that Dylan has recieved a good report from his doctor and that he is up and walking. Praise the Lord! ~Janich Trott

Congratulations to Don Knaak and MarJean Peters who will be married Friday, July 26th in Spokane, WA. If you would like to join them by Live Stream connect via YouTube at Foothills Community Church Spokane at 7pm.

Our Missionary of the Week is Operation Christmas Child, a project of the Samaritan's Purse Relief Organization. The vision of this ministry is to send shoeboxes around the world filled with small toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and a Gospel tract as a means of reaching out to children with the Good News of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Our church goal is to pack 1,000 boxes. Maggy Wheeland is leading an Operation Christmas Child packing party to organize and pack the shoeboxes this Saturday, July 27th, from 1 to 6 pm, in the Student Center. Pray for the participants that will be packing the shoe boxes. In December the shoeboxes will be collected and taken to Fullerton, California. Maggy Wheeland and Gordon and Karen Wiebe are taking a team to Fullerton to help process and prepare for shipment thousands of shoeboxes from all over the west coast. Pray for many to join in this Gospel experience.

Today's Schedule:
WOW Leaders Meeting at 9am
Staff Prayer Meeting at 9am
Prayer Meeting at Noon

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