Prayer Line for June 18-23, 2024

Prayer Line for June 18-23, 2024
"The Lord is like a father to His children, tender and compassionate to those who fear Him." ~ Psalm 103:13  

Vacation Bible School begins TONIGHT at 5:30pm. Please pray that many children will come to learn about Jesus!

Pray for Gordon Turner as he has developed an infection at his pacemaker site. Pray also for Yvonne as she cares for him.

Please pray for the family of Albert Pauls who passed away May 31st. His Celebration of Life Service will be this Friday, June 21st at 10am at the Reedley First Mennonite Church.

Please pray for healing for Connie Gomez who is undergoing treatment.  

Continue to pray for Carol Ediger who is back in the hospital at this time.
Our Missionaries of the Week are the Reedley MB Team mission trip to Lakeview Church in Stansbury Park, Utah from June 24 to July 2, 2024. The group will be led by Jonathan and Christine Loewen. Our team will have over forty members helping this church with their community BBQs and the Kid’s Camp with VBS activities. The group will be housed in separate host family homes during their stay. A church project to benefit the church is planned. Last year our group helped paint the apple tree trunks in their five acre orchard. On Sunday there will be a church service at the Lakeview Church in Stansbury Park for everyone. Please pray for the group for safe travels and good health, there will be team unity, and everyone will seek God’s guidance and wisdom, an effective Gospel presentation through the community BBQs and the Kid’s Camp with a VBS program, and many new families will be attending the church service on Sunday, June 30. The RMBC mission team, Pastor Phil Wiebe, and the Lakeview
Church members thank you for your financial support and your prayers.

Today's Schedule:
Staff Prayer at 9am
Prayer Meeting at Noon
VBS at 5:30

Connecting and Giving at RMBC
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