Prayer Line for June 13-16, 2024

Prayer Line for June 13-16, 2024
"As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in Your commands. " ~ Psalm 119:143  

Please pray for Carolyn Neufeld who is recovering from surgery on her arm and wrist.

Pray for Larry and Christina Sloan dealing with ongoing health issues.

Please pray for healing for Connie Gomez who is undergoing treatment.  

Praise God Dylan Trott is home! Please continue to pray for healing for Dylan and Janice & Dwayne as they care for him.    

Continue to pray for Carol Ediger who is back in the hospital at this time.
Our Missionary of the Week is Silvia Lopez, Multiply's Mission Program Coordinator with the Western USA Team in Fresno. Silvia will be coordinating SOAR Central Valley, from June 10 to June 15 this year. This is a six day mission training and discipleship focusing on serving our
local communities. Youth and multi-generational teams will join together to worship, learn, serve, and grow together. Reedley MB will have three families participating in this outreach ministry: Tonya, Jenna, and Andrew Goertzen; Samarha, Nancy, and Romina Gonzalez; and Kim, Nathan, Jensen, and Lauren Koop. Also, there will be Edier Geraldo and Diego Espinosa participating as the videography team. Edier is the son of Dider and Sandra Geraldo from the Matthew Training Center in Guadalajara, Mexico. Diego is with Multiply serving as a photo journalist and videographer. Silvia’s prayer is that God prepares the heart of each participant to be willing to step in faith and serve, that SOAR Central Valley church sites will be like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden, and that lives will be transformed and ignited so that they will have the desire to continue to be a witness of Christ wherever God leads them. She thanks you for your prayers and support.  

From Bob Hilts..."Don Knaak, Duane Friesen and I returned last night from a wonderful trip to Mongolia where we ministered to hundreds of Mongolians from all over the country who gathered at our Christian Camp in the Gobi Desert.  Pastors and people were there from 22 of our churches as we celebrated the life and passing of Axel Fisher, long time missionary from Germany.  Axel was founder of our ministries in Mongolia. Then, Don and I were guest speakers for a multi-day conference where we spoke on the topic "What God wants you to know".  The Holy Spirit moved in an unusual way as many people came forward to re-dedicate their lives to Jesus, even as several new people received Jesus for the first time. Duane also shared his personal story of God's faithfulness with his family of generations knowing Jesus. The trip was difficult physically with 23 hours travel each way plus harsh living quarters, but God sustained us, and we are home safe. Sharon and I have been missionaries to these people for 13 years and have helped them grow from a small group to several thousand believers, 22 churches including 4 in Northern China. Four years ago, we helped start this Christian Camp that now holds 1,300, and next weekend they will host over 1,000 Mongolian women for a conference. We felt the presence of God as we traveled and ministered. Thank you for your faithful prayer support." ~Bob Hilts

Today's Schedule:
Staff Prayer at 9am
Prayer Meeting at Noon
Men's Group at Noon
Worship Rehearsal at 7:15pm
Pickleball at 7pm

Saturday Schedule:
SOAR Event at 7am

Sunday Schedule:
Courtyard Cafe at 8am
Worship Service at 9am
Classes for All Ages at 10:40am

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