Prayer line for May 30 - June 2, 2024

Prayer Line for May 30 - June 2, 2024
"You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of Your presence and the pleasures of living with You forever." ~ Psalm 16:11  

Pray also for the family of Richard Brandt who passed away on May 20th. His Graveside Service, at Reedley Cemetery, will be Thursday, June 6th, at 10am.  

Pray for the family of Richard Schellenberg who passed away May 20th. His Memorial Service will be Monday, June 10th, at 10am in our Sanctuary. Graveside Service will be at 2pm.

Pray for Dylan Trott who has been moved to UC San Francisco for further testing.  

Continue to pray for Carol Ediger who remains in the hospital.
Our missionary of the week is Bob Hilts with One International Ministries, Don Knaak, and Duane Friesen. On June 2nd these three men will be leaving for a ten day trip to Mongolia. Twelve years ago Bob, and his teaching companion from Germany,  began teaching a group of 35 people, a three-year leadership course. With these original people, they have grown to 17 churches, several thousand converts, and a year-round camp facility that holds up to 1,300 people. They have recently started a Bible School at the camp site for new believers in Mongolia. Bob will be teaching a conference to the Mongolian leaders on the topic “What God wants us to know.” Don and Duane will be assisting Bob. Let us pray for these men, for their traveling safety, and their well being during the trip. They thank you for your prayers and support.  

Today's Schedule:
Staff Prayer at 9am
Men's Bible Study at Noon
Prayer Meeting at Noon
Pickleball at 7pm

Weekend's Schedule:
Saturday - Operation Christmas Child Prep at 9am in the Student Center basement

Sunday -
Courtyard Cafe at 8am
Worship Service at 9am
Fellowship Time on the Green at 10:20am
Classes for All Ages at 10:40am
Utah Mission Trip Lunch & Meeting at Noon
Church Business Meeting at 4pm

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