Prayer Line for May 23-28, 2024

Prayer Line for May 23-28, 2024
"I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from Him." ~ Psalm 62:1

The church office will be closed on Monday, May 27th, in observance of Memorial Day.

Pray for the family of Richard Schellenberg who passed away May 20th. His Memorial Service will be Monday, June 10th, at 10am in our Sanctuary. Graveside Service will be at 2pm.

Pray also for the family of Richard Brandt who passed away on May 20th. His Graveside Service, at Reedley Cemetery, will be Thursday, June 6th, at 10am.  

Pray for Dylan Trott who has been moved to UC San Francisco for further testing.  

Continue to pray for Carol Ediger who remains in the hospital.
Our missionaries of the week are Pablo and Maricela Chavez, serving with Multiply in Piura, Peru. A Pastors Breakfast was started in January, as a monthly gathering where pastors can be honest, transparent, and support each other. There are plans to have a pastoral family retreat July 26 to 28. Pray for a great turnout for fellowship and support. Last November was the one year anniversary for the Chavez family ministering in Peru. They summarized their first year as a time of worship and fellowship. They have shared their table with many, and many have reciprocated by
sharing their table with them. There have been good times of celebrations and sad time of remembrance during funerals. They are thankful for God’s faithfulness and His leading. They look forward to what He has planned for them ahead. The Chavez family wishes to thank you for your prayers and support.

Weekend Schedule:
Saturday - Operation Christmas Child Organizing

Sunday -
Courtyard Cafe at 8am
Worship Service at 9am
Fellowship on the Green at 10:20am
Classes for All Ages at 10:40am

Connecting and Giving at RMBC
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Send us a letter
Stop in and say hi
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