Prayer Line for May 17-19, 2024

Prayer Line for May 17-19, 2024
"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever." ~ Hebrews 13:8

Praying for our People

Josh Brown (Kelly Gilmore's son-in-law who was diagnosed with stage 4, esophageal cancer, in January) and Trista met with the doctors at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston yesterday. We are praising God for his goodness and mercy! Josh's PET scan shows a good decrease of all cancer activity, except for the esophagus. Please continue to pray that these tumors will shrink and for the doctors as they reassess his treatment plan. Thank you church family for your generous prayers.  

On Tuesday, Karen Wiebe received news from her oncologist that the PET scan she had last week shows NO SIGN OF CANCER! Karen and Gordon are praising God for her healing. They thank all of you for your prayers. "God answers prayer! To God be the glory!"  

Pray for Richard Schellenberg who is in the Clovis hospital in ICU.

Please pray for the family of Mary Ann Friesen. She passed away May 9th in Portland, Oregon. She moved to Portland several years ago to live with her daughter. No services are being planned at this time.

Congratulations to Jake and Beth Wiens on the birth of their son, Wesley David, born on May 2nd.

Pray for Dylan Trott who is back in the hospital with an infection. Please keep Dylan, Janice, and Dwayne in your prayers as this long road to recovery continues.  

Our missionary of the week is Tommy Gayton, Reedley and Orange Cove High School Campus Life Coordinator, working with Youth for Christ for Fresno and Madera Counties. Campus Life at Reedley High and Orange Cove High are a safe place where students can hear, learn, and share Jesus through relationships with caring adults and fellow students. For the 2023/2024 school year, the Reedley High group has been meeting in Mr. Gate’s room on Tuesdays during lunch period. This is when they fellowship, worship, and pray for each other. Recently, five students from Orange Cove High have asked Tommy to start a Bible study with them. These five students wish to learn more about Jesus, since their parents do not attend church. Pray for Tommy to grow his ministry with more campuses and students. He thanks you for your support and prayers.

Weekend Schedule:
Friday - Immanuel Carry the Cross at 10:30am and High School Senior Lunch at 11am.

Saturday - Prayer Walk 8:15am Meet on the Church Green. Fellowship Time at 8:45am.

Sunday - Courtyard Cafe at 8am
Worship Service at 9am
Fellowship Time at 10:20am
Classes for All Ages at 10:40am
VBS Meeting at 11:45am
Choir Lunch at noon
RKids Meeting at 1:30pm
College & Young Adults Kickball Extravaganza at 3:30pm (Michael & Michelle Wards)

Connecting and Giving at RMBC
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