Prayer Line for December 11, 2023

Prayer Line for December 11, 2023

The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. ~ John 1:9

Praying for our People

Sonia Sanchez is asking for prayer for her niece's son, Raymon, who is 19 years old and on life support. Pray for his mom Diana and family as they navigate through this situation.  

Pray for Vince and Jackie Balakian and Kim and Lauren Koop in Thailand this week. They are teaming with missionaries at the Abundant Life Home (Orphanage) and going to another village to help celebrate Christmas. They expect 1,000 people to attend the village Christmas. Pray for a clear witness to the Gospel.

Please continue to pray for Julia Choy who is still in the hospital following a procedure to treat an infection.  

Please pray for Dylan Trott who is back in the hospital for the third time in several months. Pray for complete healing from a relentless infection, also for strength, peace, and comfort for the Trott family.

Our Missionary of the Week is, Pablo and Maricela Chavez, serving with Mulitply in Peru. November is the one year anniversary for the Chavez family arriving to Peru. Adapting, adjusting, and improvising have become a part of life in their new home country. Peru has declared a state of emergency in three parts of the country due to violence. Pray that God will place a protective armor surrounding these areas that are being attacked and the pastors in these areas can continue ministering and evangelizing. The Almirante church is where Pablo and Maricela spend most of their time and energy. The people in that church have been inspired to reach out to the unreached people around them. Their goal is to be
the church on mission. The Chavez boys have been learning to adapt. School is twice as hard and they are trying to improve on their Spanish. The school requires that they memorize Biblical verses on a weekly basis. There are weekly tests to see how well and how many verses they have memorized. Pablo and Maricela ask that you continue to pray for Issac, Joshua, and Samuel. The family thanks you for your prayers and support.

If you have a question or a need please call the church office.

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