Prayer Line for December 7, 2023

Prayer Line for December 7, 2023

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever. ~ Psalm 107:1

Praying for our People

Please pray for the family of Doris Warkentin. Doris passed away on Saturday, December 2nd. Her memorial service will be at 10am on Monday, December 11th, in the Fellowship Hall.

Sonia Sanchez is asking for prayer for her niece's son, Raymon, who is 19 years old and on life support. Pray for his mom Diana and family as they navigate through this situation.  

Pray for Vince and Jackie Balakian and Kim and Lauren Koop in Thailand this week. They are teaming with missionaries at the Abundant Life Home (Orphanage) and going to another village to help celebrate Christmas. They expect 1,000 people to attend the village Christmas. Pray for a clear witness to the Gospel.

Please pray for Julia Choy who is in the hospital recovering from a procedure to treat the infection. Pray for her continued healing as she is released to come home. Pray for Frank as he cares for her.  

Please pray for Dylan Trott who is back in the hospital for the third time in several months. Pray for complete healing from a relentless infection, also for strength, peace, and comfort for the Trott family.

Our International Workers of the Week for Sunday, December 10, 2023, will be Mark and Clementa Frederiksen serving with Team Expansion. The Frederikens have worked with the belief that communities can become self-sufficient so they do not have to rely on outsiders for resources. In order to equip and empower the poor to lift themselves out of poverty, the Frederikens have started the Doula program. The women are formally trained
in obstetrics and can be employed to provide guidance and support to the mother of a newborn baby. Since Mark and Clementa are on a year sabbatical, pray for the students who are working toward their International Childbirth Educator Certification. Also pray for safe travels for the Frederiksens as they are recruiting new team members to join them when they return late next year. Mark and Clementa are planning a visit to the Reedley area early next year and they thank you for your prayers and support.

If you have a question or a need please call the church office.

Connecting and Giving at RMBC
There are several way you can connect with us as well  as give to the RMBC Mission:

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Stop in and say hi

Today's Schedule:
Staff Prayer at 9am
MOMS Bible Study at 9am
Men's Bible Study at noon
Prayer at noon
Immanuel Program at 6pm
Pickleball at 7pm