Prayer Line for November 7, 2023

Prayer Line for November 7, 2023

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. ~Romans 15:13

Praying for our People

We've been praying for Melvin Medeiros (close friend of Rod and Marjie Harms) Praise God his tumor is shrinking. He will begin radiation for five weeks. Please pray for strength and encouragement.

Thank you for praying for Julia Choy.  She finally got to go home Friday after getting a heart Pacemaker and making adjustments to meds.

Please continue to pray for Carol Brandt who had foot surgery. The surgery went well and she is thankful for your prayers.  

Pray for the family of Ed Nachtigall. Ed passed away last week. His Memorial Service will be Monday, November 13, at 10:30am in the Sanctuary.

Missionary of the Week - Amber and Paul Carter,  leading a church planting in East Germany. Last Sunday their church had an attendance high of 30 attendees, 23 adults and 7 children. An Alpha Program has been started to develop deeper relationships among the church attendees by having meals and discussions about the Bible. A future weekend retreat near the beach is scheduled in December. Mountain View Church in Fresno is the sending church for this couple. Reedley MB Church partnering with Mountain View Church for their financial and spiritual support. Pray for the couple’s efforts to grow this church and disciple the new believers. Also, pray for the couple that has committed to be a part of their church team full-time beginning next summer. Amber and Paul thank you for your prayers and financial support

If you have a question or a need please call the church office.

Connecting and Giving at RMBC
There are several way you can connect with us as well  as give to the RMBC Mission:

Download our App to your smart device. (Search: Reedleymbc
  1. Visit our website:
  2. Follow us on Facebook and Youtube (ReedleyMBChurch)
  3. Send us an email (first name of staff
  4. Send us a letter
  5. Stop in and say hi

Today's Schedule:
Staff Meeting at 9am
WOW Bible Study at 9am
Prayer Meeting at noon
Church Council at 6:30pm
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