Prayer Line for April 24, 2023

Prayer Line for April 24, 2023

I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. ~Philippians 1:9

Praying for our People

RMBC has the opportunity to send out two Mission Teams to Lithuania (June 22-July 2 and July 27-August 8) Please pray for people, willing to help children and young adult camps, to step forward and join a small group of 3-5 people for these upcoming mission trips.
Pray for the family of Sam Bergen. Sam went home to Jesus on Friday, April 14th. His funeral service is being planned for later in May.  

Please pray for Carlos Gutierrez and his family as his brother, Adam passed away April 17th. Adam's service will be Tuesday, May 9th, at 10am in the "Old" St. Anthony's Church in Reedley.  

Pray also for Anita Anderson who was diagnosed with cancer. Pray for direction as she begins treatment.

Missionary of the Week - Multiply's Lithuania Team.  Gediminas, his wife Kristina Dailyde, and their two children are pastoring the 180 Degree Church. Arturas is a pastor at the Free Christian Church. Both pastors are organizing summer camps for the 2023 summer season. Gediminas and Kristina’s 180 Degree Church will have a family day camp on June 17. This camp will be an opportunity for families to hear the gospel message. Arturas and his wife, Vita, are organizing three camps: a children’s camp for ages 7 to 11 from June 25 to 30, a teen’s camp for ages 12 to 18 from July 30 to August 4, and a young adults camp for ages 16 to 35 on the weekend of August 4 to 6. The goals of their camps are to introduce children and young adults to the stories in the Bible, share Christian values, and to provide opportunities for the Free Christian Church to serve. Pray for these two pastors to obtain the financial support and participants needed for the camps. Arturas and Vita are inviting RMBC to send a
team of 3 to 5 people to serve in their camps. Please pray that a team from RMBC will answer that request. Contact Gordon Wiebe, our mission board chairperson, for more details.

Connecting and Giving at RMBC
There are several way you can connect with us as well  as give to the RMBC Mission:
  1. Download our App to your smart device. (Search: Reedleymbc)
  2. Visit our website:
  3. Follow us on Facebook and Youtube (ReedleyMBChurch)
  4. Send us an email (first name of staff
  5. Send us a letter
  6. Stop in and say hi
If you have a question or a need please call the church office.

Thank you for your faithful prayers.

Today's Schedule:
Staff Meeting at 9am
Prayer Meeting at noon
Chapter One Board Meeting
Forged Men's Bible Study at 7pm