Prayer Line for April 11, 2023

Prayer Line for April 11, 2023

But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. ~ Romans 5:8

Praying for our People

Bob Hilts and Don Knaak returned home yesterday afternoon. They had an amazing trip and felt your prayers. Many people came forward during their meetings for salvation and committed their lives to Christian Service. They held a Men's Conference and Marriage Counseling. Bob has mentored them over the last ten years while starting 17 churches. Don's teaching was appreciated by all. They thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
Pray for Jean Penner and family. Her mother, Erma Ratzlaff, passed away on March 5th. Her service will be Monday, April 17, at 10am in the Memorial Service Building at the Reedley Cemetery.

Missionary of the Week - Bob Hilts, serving with One Challenge International Ministries. One Challenge is a Christian faith mission sending agency. Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, this ministry has been providing humanitarian help to Ukrainian refugees relocating to other parts of Ukraine or fleeing to neighboring countries in Europe. Bob wants to give compassionate assistance with an emphasis on evangelism. During this past week, Bob and Don Knaak traveled together to encourage and train the pastors and staff in thirteen churches in Mongolia and four churches in northern China. Pray for safe travel, passage into these areas will be smooth, and for good health and stamina through out the trip. Bob and Don thank you for your faithful support, "Without you, these miracles and ministries would not be happening."

Connecting and Giving at RMBC
There are several way you can connect with us as well  as give to the RMBC Mission:
  1. Download our App to your smart device. (Search: Reedleymbc)
  2. Visit our website:
  3. Follow us on Facebook and Youtube (ReedleyMBChurch)
  4. Send us an email (first name of staff
  5. Send us a letter
  6. Stop in and say hi

If you have a question or a need please call the church office.

Thank you for your faithful prayers.

Todays Schedule:
Staff Prayer Meeting at 9am
WOW at 9am
Prayer Meeting at noon
Exercise Class at 5:30pm
Trustee Meeting at 6:30pm