Prayer Line for March 23, 2023

Prayer Line for March 23, 2023

So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the LORD! ~ Psalm 31:24

Praying for our People

Pray also for Connie Fast and Delora Doerksen and their families. Their mother, Orpha Klassen, passed away last week. Her service will be Tuesday, April 4, at 1:30pm in the Fellowship Hall.

A Celebration of Life for Loree Jost will be Wednesday, April 5, at 10am in the Memorial Service Building at the Reedley Cemetery.

Pray for Jean Penner and family. Her mother, Erma Ratzlaff, passed away on March 5th. Her service will be Monday, April 17, at 10am in the Memorial Service Building at the Reedley Cemetery.

Missionary of the Week - Serve Reedley. The vision of this ministry is to connect people, resources, and training opportunities to under-resourced communities. There are three parts to this ministry: (1) The Community Resource Network connects Reedley residents with needs to skilled volunteers in their database. Volunteers can provide help in meal delivery, assist in moving to families to another home, perform minor car repairs, going to the store for grocery shopping, or perform yard work tasks. Pray for Jason Naylor, who is building a database of volunteers that will be used in the school district in the fall. (2) The Faith House ministry provides transitional housing for displaced families. Faith House is flourishing with weekly bible study and now has their own youth nights on Tuesdays. Pray for Elizabeth, the house manager, as she ministers and works with families. Through her hard work and spiritual guidance, families have come in and out of the Faith House at a quicker pace in finding housing and getting back into a productive lifestyle. At the moment they have two bedrooms available. (3) Love Thy Neighborhood Youth Outreach ministry aims at getting residents out of isolation and into the community. There is a youth group that meets on Tuesday nights in Dinuba. A second youth drop-in center will be opening this summer at Reedley's Full Gospel Assembly of God Tabernacle Church. They are renovating the space that will be used. Pray for Angel, the youth coordinator, that God would place the right people around him to help this ministry and Maribel Herrera, the Program Director. Thank you for your support and prayers.

Connecting and Giving at RMBC
There are several way you can connect with us as well  as give to the RMBC Mission:
  1. Download our App to your smart device. (Search: Reedleymbc)
  2. Visit our website:
  3. Follow us on Facebook and Youtube (ReedleyMBChurch)
  4. Send us an email (first name of staff
  5. Send us a letter
  6. Stop in and say hi
If you have a question or a need please call the church office.

Thank you for your faithful prayers.

Today's Schedule:
Staff Meeting at 9am
MOMS at 9am
Men's Bible Study at noon
Prayer Meeting at noon
Exercise Class at 5:30pm
Pickleball at 7pm