Prayer Line for January 13, 2021

Prayer Line for January 13, 2021
“We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near. We recount your wondrous deeds." - Psalm 75:1

Praying for Our People
- Be in prayer for Vivian and LeRoy Swiney. Leroy has been put on hospice care. Pray for peace and comfort during this time.

- Pray for Bill and Paula Olinger's son Billy. He has a stroke just after Christmas and is now recovering. Please pray for his complete recovery and healing.

- Be in prayer for the Rachel & Fernando Avila family. Rachel's mother Arcelia Mora passed away last Friday.

- Pray for Mary Kay Elrich, sister of Ray Schmidt, mother to former attenders/members Kathy Manning and Stacey Sawatzky and daughter of Don & Marge Schmidt of Morro Bay. "Mary Kay's cancer is not responding at all to chemo treatments. The family made the difficult decision to bring her home and make her as comfortable as possible. This will allow family, friends and grandchildren to visit her. God is in complete control and we trust in his perfect timing." "Kathy Manning"

- Pray for Ken and Patty Thiesen. Ken has hit a few setbacks in the bone marrow transplant process. Pray for wisdom as the doctors treat Ken and restored strength for Ken.

- Pray for Rachel Gonzalez and family as she continues with her cancer treatments. Pray for her strength and healing.
 Praying for Our Nation and World
- Continue to pray for our health care workers, first responders, law enforcement, firefighters, and those who serve and protect in turbulent times. Pray for God's protection over them.

Praying for Our Ministries:
- Pray for wisdom for our church leaders as we navigate COVID. Pray also for RMBC that the Holy Spirit would give us new opportunities to share the gospel, and bring unity of heart and purpose to our church family.

Missionaries of the Week: John and Geri Warkentin serving with Multiply in Media Ministries. John has been working to edit and tell stories from our churches in North Africa. These will be stories that will then be broadcast to North African countries with the goal of spreading the gospel. Pray for perseverance and for God's blessing in all that they do.

- Pray Luke 10:2 with us each day at 10:02 am, asking the Lord of the harvest to raise up and send out harvesters from RMBC to His harvest fields.

Giving at RMBC:
There are several ways you can give to the RMBC Mission:
1. Following our worship service on Sunday morning.
2. Text reedleymbc to 77977
3. RMBC Website:, click on Give
4. RMBC App and click Giving
5. Mail a check through the post office
6.Stop into the office

Ministry Schedule for Wednesday, January 13, 2021:
- Prayer at 6:30 am
- Junior High Youth Group at 6:30 pm
- Please call the church office if you have questions