Prayer Line for February 11, 2020

Prayer Line for February 11, 2020
" Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3

Praying For Our People
- Pray for Larry Greene as he continues his recovery at home. Pray for continued healing, wisdom, and strength. If you are interested in helping with a meal please follow this link:

- Thank you for praying for Irv Jantzen as he is back home, pray for his complete recovery.

- Pray for Rod Harm's brother Tim, who is battling cancer.

- Pray for the family of Lee Willems. The memorial service was yesterday.  Pray that the family will experience God's peace and comfort.

- Pray for Jackie Horn as she is the hospital for respiratory complications.

- Pray for Sharon Janzen as she has a broken bone in her foot. Pray for the healing of the bone in her right foot.

- Pray for Roy Peak as he has been placed in hospice care.  Lift up Eldoris and Robin as they support Roy.

Ruth Laemmlen had knee Surgery today.  She is also dealing with AFIB and is currently in recovery at St Agnes Cardica Center.  

Praying for our Nation and World
- Pray that our nation's leaders would honor God and acknowledge Him as the One and only True God. Pray that our leaders ask for God to give them wisdom, guidance, direction, and protection.

- Pray for those being affected by the coronavirus, countries under quarantine, and the families of those who have lost their lives. Pray for wisdom and insight on how to combat this virus, and that loss of life would be minimized.

Praying for Our Ministries
- Missionaries of the Week: Josiah and Crystal Grauman serving a Spanish language seminary in Los Angeles. Pray for the pastors and churches Josiah is helping to train and shepherd.

- Pray Luke 10:2 with us each day at 10:02 am, asking the Lord of the harvest to raise up harvesters from RMBC for His harvest fields.

- There will be a BBQ fundraiser at the Immanuel Basketball game tonight.  The funds raised from the BBQ will go to support the Thailand and Lithuanian missions teams this summer.  The fundraiser begins at 5 pm.

Ministry Schedule for Today:
- Forged Men's Group - 6 to 7 AM
- Women's Bible Studies - MOMS and WOW that meet at 9 to 11 AM
- T-Squared Exercise Class - 5:30-6:30 PM
- Trustee Meeting at 7 PM
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